If you are looking for the true sense of happiness in life, your research is over because you are about to discover the deep secret of a happy life.
Here are six key questions that you need to know the answer, if you are interested in discovering the deep secrets of a happy life are presented. I will give you these questions and analyze the offer on the right answer.
1. Why should I like to be happy:
- (A) is the foundation of happy life.
- (B) You become selfish.
- (C) It is important for you.
The correct answer here is A. This is true, in fact, because there is no way I can be happy if you do not really like yourself. True happiness comes from knowing that you love yourself and when you spread the same love for others. And this will support the saying that "if you do not like it, why would anyone else? Happiness and living a happy life is all about yourself and, by extension, others form the basis of a happy life.
2. Influence of friendship is to be happy:
- (A) It has nothing to do with your happy being.
- (B) It makes you happy and make happy friends network.
- (C) It makes you walk through a lonely road.
The correct answer is B. It has been said that "you can make more friends in two weeks if you are interested in them than you can in two years if you want to be interested in you" and doing this will bring happiness. A famous author, Ph.D. David Niven, he gets in his book The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People and expresses sublimely it: "Friendship is one of the main joys of life", happiness is not A solitary road, but it has everything to do with your personal choice, but most of the time, the joys of the memories of life come from the time we shared with our hearts. By doing this you end up meeting a group of people with whom you can maintain a relationship that allows and empowers you to extremes.
3. Why do I learn to take risks to be happy:
- (A) just took the risk Happiness is the inner joy.
- (B) Do not take risks to be happy.
- (C) Happiness has nothing to do with risk taking.
The right answer is A. The joy and satisfaction that comes with the realization of life can easily be attributed to the leap of faith that leads to attained goals which is the reason why it is said that the happiest people on earth Are those who are not afraid to take a risk. Risk taking is associated with challenging the status quo, doing these things that you do not dream about the corner of your home that brings you joy, things like sky diving; Take this trip on the road you've always dreamed of; Talk to your high glory of school; Apply for high-end work that you are always afraid of stiff; Do something about it and you are sure to be happy for life.
4. Having a flexible plan a criterion for a happy life:
- (A) Having a plan is not enough.
- (B) Having a plan does not guarantee happiness.
- (C) Have a plan that is flexible and bring happiness S.M.A.R.T.
The right answer is here C. It was said time without numbers "If you do not plan, you plan to fail. To be happy, you really need to plan, just does not happen by chance. How you are satisfied with how well you are trying to reach the base S.M.A.R.T. Plans give lasting happiness. Therefore, on the way to a happy life, you must take one step at a time according to your plan and savor the moment when they come.
5. Have a great wealth makes me happy in life?
- (A) Great wealth does not make you happy.
- (B) Keeping content and not wealth brings happiness.
- (C) will have more lead greed.
The correct answer is B. Here is why. Keeping content or happy is the best way to be happy. Happy people think less of what they have, but they remain happy and content with what they already have. Since we are in a world of importance where the great possession of material things and luxury lifestyle seem to symbolize happiness, but often time is not and this famous saying captured all "the rich also cry" Often we Assimilate the sport of life but easily forget that life is life. Surprise throws punches without notice; And also throws up surprises too! Therefore, be happy; High purpose; Pursue their dreams; But CONTENT!
6. How can I be happy?
- (A) Happiness is by choice
- (B) No one can make you happy
- (C) Life itself can make you happy
The right answer is A. Company name "TOTAL" has a punch line in one of its infomercials on TV that say "total choice" can be tweaked to read, happiness by choice. To live a happy life you have to choose to always be happy and make that choice on a daily basis to strengthen their belief system and start seeing you life as the choice it has made. The choice to be happy means more because it has to do with the pursuit of these conscious decisions undulating you in the direction of happiness. As soon as this well in your consciousness you dare to make decisions that will advance the part of happy life and since happiness is a choice and has been aware of these great options is gradually the indicator of living a happy life. HAPPY! Twitter Keep HAPPY! YOU DESERVE IT!
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